Baldur's Gate 3 modders begin work on a remake of Baldur's Gate 2

A recent update to Baldur's Gate 3 gave modders the tools they need to make maps, and therefore create entirely new games. One of the first major projects is a remake of Baldur's Gate 2. Hype.

Baldurs gate 3
The floodgates have opened for BG3 modding. | © Larian

Ever since Larian Studios introduced official mod support in Baldur's Gate 3, we've been getting one big project after another from the community. Now it looks like we will be getting Baldur's Gate 2 in Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 set to explode with new mods, BG2 remake already in development

Modder "Lotrich" has set himself the goal of creating Baldur's Gate 2 in Baldur's Gate 3. In a short video, he talked about the project, highlighting that it will take a while and is still in very early development. The map is currently being created, and a great number of NPCs and objects are missing. So far, all you can really see is an outline of the BG2 map.

This specific area is Waukeen's Promenade, the first area after the prologue in BG2. And to help create it, Lotrich used not only Larian's tools, but also an advanced mod tool called Moonglasses.

How long this project will take and how extensive it will be is still unknown. If you want more behind-the-scenes information, you can donate to his project on his Patreon.

This isn't the first mod to make waves since the release of patch 7, which gave access to the devs' toolkit in BG3. Modders have already taken us to Avernus, added new romances, and transformed the game from turn-based to real-time.

We can only dream of the other great mods that await us in the future, here's to hoping we get a Curse of Strahd campaign!

Moritz Look
Moritz Look