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Love them or hate them,
influencers are the future of celebrity. And in our influencers section we cover all the latest news and drama that our favorite personalities seem to get into every week. If it's not another boxing match versus one of the Paul brothers, then it's who's cheating on who, or who's just been arrested. Seriously, these folks get in trouble every week, that's why we love them, and that's why you'll always find this area brimming with new juicy new content.
Love them or hate them, influencers are the future of celebrity. And in our influencers section we cover all the latest news and drama that our favorite personalities seem to get into every week. If it's not another boxing match versus one of the Paul brothers, then it's who's cheating on who, or who's just been arrested. Seriously, these folks get in trouble every week, that's why we love them, and that's why you'll always find this area brimming with new juicy new content.