Capcom Reportedly Working On Two New Resident Evil Remakes

Capcom's commitment to revitalizing its flagship Resident Evil series continues unabated, with rumors circulating of two new remakes.

Resi remake
Capcom keeps the Resident Evil train rolling. | © Capcom/EarlyGame

Capcom has been dedicated to keeping its flagship Resident Evil series fresh and relevant over the past few years. They've evolved the gameplay with entries like 7 and 8, while also breathing new life into some iconic titles via remakes. However, according to the well-informed leaker and insider known as Dusk Golem, it seems Capcom isn't done revamping their classic titles.

Rumors Of Resident Evil Remakes: Breath Of New Life Into Classic Titles

In a recent post on X, Dusk Golem hinted that Capcom is currently in the process of remaking two more beloved Resident Evil games. One is Resident Evil 0, which was originally released exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube in 2002. The other is the Dreamcast gem, Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Previously a Sega exclusive, Resident Evil: Code Veronica was released a few years before the fourth installment and later received an updated version called "X" for other platforms. Dusk Golem has been hearing whispers about these potential remakes for over a year now, but further details remain unconfirmed.

For fans of the Resident Evil series, this news brings a steady stream of excitement. Following the release of the Resident Evil 4 remake in 2023, the ninth installment is set to arrive earlier than expected, possibly in early 2025, bringing some fresh air to the series with an open world.

Johanna Goebel
Johanna Goebel