"Pay To Lose": Fortnite Sniper Makes Certain Skins Buggy

Fortnite players have been experiencing bugs with a new sniper from Chapter 6, Season 2.

Fortnite buggy sniper
A new Battle Royale weapon causes bugs when playing certain skins. | © Epic Games

Fortnite has had issues with buggy weapons and skins for a long time and it looks like that doesn't exclude the current season. Players have found a weapon that doesn't work with certain skins.

Redditor Reports Buggy Sniper

On the official Battle Royale subreddit, a user reported a bug they experienced when using a newly introduced weapon, the Falcon Eye Sniper. The Falcon Eye Sniper is a semi-automatic, medium-damage sniper rifle with a custom Scope that has an adjustable zoom of 3x and 6x. It was just added with the start of Chapter 6, Season 2.

However, it looks like this weapon doesn't properly work in combination with certain skins. The user in the Reddit post was using it with a Ghost Rider skin, which led to their vision being blocked by fire when trying to aim:

Okay so maybe don't play as ghost rider while sniping by u/broxhachoman in FortNiteBR

Between Funny And Frustrating

Other users in the comment section joined in and also shared bugs they had when trying to use this sniper. These ranged from funny-looking skins to issues that made the weapon unusable:

That sniper is super bugged. It makes a few skins bald when aiming down sight. edit:the skin I noticed was Catwoman zero - u/PlanetFirth

Other skins that the "baldness bug" has been observed on are Hatsune Miku, Johnny Silverhand, Haruka of the Masks, etc. But there is an even weirder bug that comes with the sniper:

Some people change color, like almost completely gray, could’ve been based on where they were standing (the spirit tribute stone thing) but yeah anytime they’d draw, their skin changed color making it really difficult to spot - u/whatisleftorright

These two bugs are still fairly funny but it's more of an issue that the weapon becomes unusable with certain skins. Reportedly, this happens with Ghost Rider, Spider-Punk or the Crew Skin Astrea, which have all been reported to block the vision when aiming with the sniper rifle, with commenters calling them "pay to lose".

The issue is that Epic Games tries to release creative skins, to include different tastes, etc. Some creative features include hats, crazy hair or other decorations on the characters' heads. But at the same time, there needs to be a balance between creativity and functionality – characters with unconventional head designs should be tested with certain weapons ahead of time, making sure that they don't block the vision.

Have you ever experienced bugs with specific skins or weapons? How do you think this issue should be handled? And what's more important to you – skin or weapon? Let us know in the comments!

Verena Buchner
Verena Buchner