A Pokémon leaker on X shared screenshots of Project Synapse, an online co-op game with Splatoon-inspired gameplay.

The storm of Pokémon leaks never stops. Now, screenshots of an "online co-op battling Pokémon game" have surfaced.
Ride on a Pokémon while fight with other Pokémon against Pokémon
Project 'Synpase' is the internal name of the leaked game planned for Nintendo Switch and mobile. Like any Pokémon game, the goal is to catch Pokémon. The twist is that players ride one Pokémon at a time, while using the other to attack. In the published leaks, which have already been deleted on X, it was a Garchomp the trainer was riding on.
The leaker also showed some gameplay, but since it seems to be from a very early development stage, you don't see much combat, just a trainer riding his Garchomp, which could dig in like the Squids from Splatoon.
Whether or not this game is still in development remains unclear, as GameFreaks and the Pokémon Company are keeping quiet about the leaks.