Nexus Mods Launch New App On Steam Deck, Starting With Stardew Valley

Dive into the future of game modding with the new Nexus Mods app for Steam Deck — starting with Stardew Valley.

Stardew valley
Sadly, this is the only game supported right now. | © ConcernedApe

Nexus Mods has just announced the alpha release of their new mod management application, a cutting-edge platform that promises to revolutionize how mods are installed, managed, and experienced. Currently, this early build is available exclusively for Stardew Valley, with plans to expand to other games soon.

Project Update and Future Goals

In the past few months, the Nexus Mods team has been all hands on deck, setting up the tech that makes this app tick. They’ve even brought in a new product manager to make sure everything’s spot-on with the features you really need.Right now, the app is super basic—it’s just starting out, after all. They’re really into making this a community project, so they’re taking in all the feedback they can get. They’ve already been chatting with some hardcore Stardew Valley modders, and they’re planning to reach out to the Cyberpunk 2077 crowd next as they expand the app’s reach.

You might be wondering why the app doesn’t yet support popular titles like Skyrim or Fallout 4. The reason is simple: the app is still in its early stages. There are already good mod managers for those games, and the Nexus Mods team wants to offer something significantly better before expanding their list.

Alpha Features and How to Get Involved

Stardew Valley modders are invited to test the alpha release and contribute to the shaping of this innovative tool. The alpha version supports mod installation for Stardew Valley on both Steam and GOG, with additional features planned for future updates. This is a unique chance to influence the development of a tool that could become central to the modding community.

For now, Nexus Mods advises keeping the app as a secondary option for mod management, given how new it is.

The Nexus Mods team is committed to releasing updates every three weeks, allowing users to witness the app’s evolution in real-time. Feedback from early users will be crucial in steering the development path, especially in adding support for more games and enhancing existing features.

Join the alpha today by downloading the app for Windows or Linux (including Steam Deck support), with macOS support on the horizon. Whether you’re a veteran modder or new to the scene, this is your chance to help craft the future of game modding.

Ali Kanaan
Ali Kanaan