In a pretty shocking turn of events, Warner Bros. Games has closed down Monolith Production and two other game studios.

Warner Bros. Games has suddenly shut down three of its game studios at once – and, with that, cancelled the Wonder Woman game that was already in development.
The End Of Monolith Productions
Monolith Productions was founded in 1994 and became a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Games in 2004. It was known for some popular game franchises like the F.E.A.R. and Middle-earth series. It was also behind the DC-related title Gotham City Impostors from 2012.
And the studio was working on another DC game, Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, the wait was futile: Warner Bros. Games has just closed the studio, so the game has been cancelled as well. Insider Jason Schreier had previously dropped hints online and it's now been officially confirmed.
Schreier announced it in a thread on BlueSky:
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Other Studios Closed
Two other studios were also terminated: Player First Games and Warner Bros. Games San Diego. The former was responsible for MultiVersus, a free-to-play crossover platform fighter with different characters from the Warner Bros universe.
The studio, however, had already announced that this game was coming to an end – the fifth and last season will run from February 4 to March 30, after which no new content will be added and online services will be shut down. But now, the entire studio has been closed down, so we can't expect any new projects either.
In a statement made to Ethan Gach from Kotaku, Warner Bros. stated that these decisions were part of a restructuring and desire to focus on their most popular franchises:
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Still, a "thank you" probably isn't very satisfying to the employees who were laid off after working hard on some very successful game franchises. Also, wanting to focus more on DC and then cancelling a Wonder Woman game seems a bit contradictory.
But we'll see what exactly this restructuring will look like in the future, as no details have been revealed yet. What is your opinion on this decision? Tell us in the comments!