Former Skyrim developer Nate Purkeypile has just launched his new game, The Axis Unseen, on Steam. It looks great!

The Axis Unseen is an open world archery hunting game by former Skyrim developer Nate Purkeypile that focuses primarily on its hunting aspect.
Who is Nate Purkeypile?
Nate Purkeypile, the developer behind The Axis Unseen, has been working on games for over 20 years now and is very passionate about his craft.
He's worked on widely known and well-received games such as Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4, and 76, Starfield, Metroid Prime 3 and BloodRayne 2. So there's high hopes that this one will be successful either!
What is The Axis Unseen?
In The Axis Unseen, you are a hunter searching for various folklore monsters in order to kill them. But it's not as easy as just hitting it until it dies, like it is in many other games.
No, in The Axis Unseen you have to be extremely careful with your every move. The monsters can smell your presence based on things like wind direction or simply how much noise you make. Clever stealth is required to even get close to the monsters without them taking notice of you.
And you cannot just wait until you run into a monster, either. You have to track them through keeping an eye out for the details, looking for footprints or blood trails. It's very fun!
Of course, you are not without your equipment. You wield a magical bow that comes with all sorts of arrows. From a burning arrow to one that slows the monsters, nothing is amiss. The effects are even combinable.
But you seem to be alone in this place... Though sometimes you can find notes and signs of hunters that came before you. Seems like this game does not miss any lore, either.
A unique aspect about The Axis Unseen, however, is certainly its soundtrack and HUD. The noise meter, wind strength and all other key information for your playing experience is visible not in the corner of your screen, like one would think, but rather on your hands and equipment themselves.
The soundtrack, as mentioned, is quite memorable as well, considering that composer Clifford Meyer had the freedom to make it loud. When Nate Purkeypile said that The Axis Unseen would play in a "heavy metal horror" universe, Meyer took that literally. The soundtrack slaps.
Will you be playing The Axis Unseen? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!