There are a million ways to die in Plunderstorm, and some of them are more awkward than others.

The inclusion of the Battle Royale mode in World of Warcraft was not well received by loyal fans at the beginning, as players felt like they had a PvP mode forced upon them. Unusually big rewards and bug exploiters who simply dodged the zone by standing on a tower were the reasons for the rough start of the Battle Royale. Adding to the long list of community stories, we now have two people with the same problem—finishing the game unintentionally before anyone else. Here's everything you need to know about the latest two incidents the WoW community is talking about.
The Price Of Poor Timing
Choosing where to land, first looking for armor or weapons, and then deciding which weapons to take – all this planning was for nothing when a user named Circesalami unintentionally did an any% speedrun. As they were strolling around in the lobby, waiting to be shot out of a cannon onto the battlefield, Circesalami was walking up a hill to enjoy the beautiful graph... Well, they wanted to look around.
You can die and lose in Plunderstorm before you're even shot out the cannon by u/circesalami in wow
Slipping and falling while climbing in what we can only describe as a Looney Tunes-type death, the timing couldn’t have been worse since the match was just about to begin. The now-dead body was put in a cannon to be shot out into the battlefield. Circesalami's game was lost before it even began. We can't help but ask ourselves: if the end screen hadn't appeared immediately, could the dead body have potentially hit and killed an opponent?
Chicken Chaos Strikes
A user named Kaia64 had a similar story to tell in the comments. Before the game started, they saw some guy in the lobby throwing chicken coops, including the animals inside, from the dock they were standing on. Being fascinated by the act that would make animal welfare organizations' blood boil, he came closer to observe the spectacle.
Like in the previous story, the timing could not have been worse when the now understandably raging chickens attacked Kaia64, whom they apparently recognized as an accomplice. With the difference that Kaia64 spawned in the cannon alive, only to die from the injuries the chickens had caused, arriving dead at the battlefield. To be fair, when you can’t survive NPC chickens, the battle royale experience would have been short anyway.
Do you like Plunderstorm, and has a similar incident happened to you as well? Tell us in the comments!