The leaked achievement list from Black Ops 6 offers some insights into the upcoming campaign, zombie mode, and some pretty wild weapons.

Following the release of the leaked lists of the 20 maps that will be included in the upcoming Call of Duty game, A List with all the achievements is making its way onto the internet.
Just a heads-up: Some of these achievements might be considered spoilers, so proceed with caution. Also, it's worth noting that they haven't been confirmed by Activision or Microsoft yet, so we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Campaign Leaks
The list suggests that the new campaign will have 10 missions. It doesn't say how long the story will be. In an interview with GameFile Yale Miller, director of production at Treyarch, pointed out:
Currently, the game's netting out in the kind of length of a classic Call of Duty campaign
From what we've heard, it'll take about 9–10 hours. The Campaign will also include some special features like a remote controlled Throwing Knife and an adrenalin stim. We're not sure yet if these features are only for the campaign or if they'll be included in Zombie or even Multiplayer mode.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombie Mode Leaks
The fan-favorite Horde mode also got some rewards for the players. In addition to eliminating thousands of zombies, two rewards are generating excitement among the community. According to the leaked information, the two zombie maps feature their own large Easter egg quest lines.
Additionally, there are two achievements that allow players to find the "final Talisman" on the zombie map Terminus and tap into their super villain side on the map Liberty Falls. While the significance of these details is unclear, it seems that the zombie maps will be filled with Easter eggs once again.
The Leaked Achievement List
Betrayal – Kill an enemy from behind while disguised by the Spy KitCamos Are Forever – Unlock any Diamond Camo in Multiplayer or ZombiesDoing Your Part – Complete the Training Course in MultiplayerHeavy Ordinance Specialist – Destroy 50 Aerial Scorestreaks with Launchers in MultiplayerMovie Night – Save a match to TheaterThe Pale Horse Arrives – Get 500 Eliminations in MultiplayerPodium Finish – Win (?) Multiplayer MatchesRed Carpet – Get featured in the Best Play 3 times in MultiplayerRush Hour – Get a Double Kill with the RC-XD in MultiplayerShow Off – Earn a Mastery Badge with any Primary Weapon in Multiplayer or ZombiesStylish Kill – Get 75 Eliminations while having an active Playstyle Bonus Perk in MultiplayerRapid Reflexes – Get 5 Headshot Kills during a single use of the Adrenaline Stim in CampaignComplete Campaign – Complete the Campaign on any difficultyComplete Vet – Complete the Campaign on Veteran difficultyCovert Agent – In Contract, reach the Guild meeting without ever breaking stealthDestructive Wake – Get 5 or more Kills with a single Scorestreak in Campaign
Complete Contract – Complete Contract in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Heist – Complete Heist in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Interrogation – Complete Interrogation in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Intro – Complete Intro in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Redacted – Complete Redacted in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Sabotage – Complete Sabotage in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Sandbox – Complete Sandbox in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Safehouse – Complete Safehouse Defend in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Storm – Complete Storm in Campaign on any difficultyComplete Union – Complete Union in Campaign on any difficultySeek & Destroy – Get 2 Kills with a single remote controlled Throwing Knife from at least 50 meters away in CampaignSkewer the Winged Beast – In Sabotage, have the SAM target itself and the helicopterDavid vs Goliath – In Defend, destroy the APC using an RC-XDDipped in Gold – Purchase all Safehouse and Player Upgrades in CampaignThe Puzzles, Mason – Complete all Safehouse Puzzles in CampaignFull Clear – In Sandbox, complete every POI on the Tac MapBulldozed – In Storm, crush 5 enemies while driving the tankCQC MVP – Perform 10 takedowns in CampaignParty’s Over – In Capitol Station, perform 5 takedowns on guards in the gala without being spottedAnnihilation – Get 66,666 Eliminations in ZombiesComplete Liberty Falls QuestComplete Terminus QuestCulinary Delight – In Terminus, consume a fish cooked with a special ingredientCyberized – Unlock 50 Augments in ZombiesKnow Your Enemy – Get 100 Kills while using Mutant Injections in ZombiesTreasure Hunter – In Terminus, find the final TalismanWorld Domination – In Liberty Falls, tap into your Supervillain side