LoL Patch 14.5 just released and now it's time to check out the future patch notes for Patch 14.6. What does Riot have planned for us?

League of Legends Patch 14.6 is going to be an interesting new patch, with an upcoming in-game event, another mythic variant skin no one asked for and more than enough item changes to keep everyone happy... or ruin their day.
The patch is going to be released soon and it will feature some cool new cosmetics from High Noon. But other than cosmetics, what else does Riot have planned for the community in this patch?
League of Legends Patch 14.6 Patch Notes Preview: Item And System Changes

Riot is going to be adjusting some items and one part of the build that they're looking to is lethality, which has become overtuned. ADCs have stopped building regular crit items and have opted into buying lethality instead, thanks to the early power the component items give them.
Item Nerfs
Spectre's Cowl
- Rejuvenation Bead added to recipe
- Health reduced from 250 to 200
- Health regen reduced from 150% to 100%
- Health regen duration is now flat, instead of based on damage taken
- Lethality reduced from 8 to 5
- Cost increased from 1100 to 1150
Serrated Dirk

- Lethality Unchanged
- AD reduced from 25 to 20
Kircheis Shard
- Energize damage reduced from 60 to 50
Hextech Alternator
- AP reduced from 50 to 45
Haunting Guise
- AP reduced from 35 to 30
Fiendish Codex
- AP reduced from 35 to 25
Caufield's Warhammer
- AD reduced from 25 to 20
Bami's Cinder
- Base Damage from 12 to 13
- Health ratio reduced from 1% bonus HP to 0.5%
Item Buffs

Verdant Barrier
- Cost reduced from 1800 to 1700
Navori Quickblades
- Pickaxe replaced by BF Sword in recipe, cost unchanged
- AD increased from 60 to 65
Lord Dominik's Regards
- Armor Penetration increased from 30% to 35%
Mortal Reminder
- Armor Penetration increased from 30% to 35%
Infinity Edge
- Bonus Crit Damage increased from 40% to 50%
Item And System Adjustments
Steel Sigil

- Second cloth armor added to recipe
Hearthbound Axe
- Cost reduced from 1200 to 1150
- AD reduced from 20 to 15
Glacial Buckler
- Cost increased from 900 to 950
- Glowing Mote added to recipe
World Atlas
- Upgrade threshold reduced from 500 gold to 400
- Gold from damage reduced from 28/30 to 20/22
- Gold from minions reduced from 20 to 15
Runic Compass
- Upgrade threshold reduced from 1000 gold to 800
- Gold from damage reduced from 32/34 to 22/24
- Gold from minions reduced from 28 to 20
- Voidgrub Shield on Death >>> Voidgrub Heal on Death
League of Legends Patch 14.6: Champion Changes
Champion Buffs
Top farming tanks are getting some love from Riot in this League of Legends patch, with champions like Ornn and Shen getting buffs. Even after buffs to their key items, these champions feel a bit weak, which is why Riot is going to be buffing the champs themselves now.
Diana (Jungle)

Base Stats
- Attack speed ratio increased from 0.625 to 0.694
- Attack speed growth reduced from 2.25% to 2%
P - Moonsilder Blade
- Attack speed now scales at every level instead of every 3
- Empowered attack speed duration increased from 3 seconds to 5
Diana isn't the only champion getting buffed though. There are more champions Riot is going to give some love to in LoL Patch 14.6:
W - Feral Scream
- Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 >>> 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds
E - Vorpal Spikes
- Damage: 22/34/46/58/70 >>> 22/37/52/67/82 per attack
E - Searing Charge
- Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 >>> 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds

P - Ki Barrier
- Cooldown Reduction now scales over levels 1-18 linearly insteaf of levels 1/6/9/12/14/16/17/18
These buffs are meant to help him with his AD/hybrid builds. The balance team is hoping that Sion will feel like a scaling tank with these adjustments to his kit.
Q - Decimating Smash
- Min AD Ratio: 45/52.5/60/67.5/75% >>> 40/50/60/70/80%
- Max AD Ratio: 135/157.5/180/202.5/225% >>> 120/150/180/210/240%
W - Soul Furnace
- Shield: 60/85/110/135/160 (+40% AP) (+8/9/10/11/12% max HP) >>> 60/75/90/105/120 (+40% AP) (+8/10/12/14/16% max HP)
Base Stats
- Attack Speed per level: 2.9% >>> 3.4%
Champion Nerfs
Smolder, Karma and Senna have been some of the most obnoxious picks in solo queue and pro play, hence why Riot is going to nerf them along with some other champions.

Karma is too good in lane currently, which is why Riot is looking to nerf her laning. With the changes in place to her mana, Riot hopes that players will choose her as a support rather than a mid laner. With Malignance also a key item on her, Riot have decided to make some adjustments to her ultimate.
Base Stats
- Mana Growth: 50 >>> 40
- Mana Regen Growth: .5 >>> 0.8
P - Gathering Fire
- Passive Ult Cooldown Refund: 5s flat >>> 25% remaining cooldown
Q - Inner Flame
- Mana Cost: 45 flat >>> 40 - 80
Alongside Karma these champions will also be getting nerfed:
Q - Head Rush
- Is now able to jump to enemy and ally ward
W1 - Blood Frenzy
- Bonus Attack Speed: 55/70/85/100/115% >>> 54/68/82/96/110%
W2 - Snack Attack
- Heal: 25/30/35/40/45% >>> 24/28/32/36/40%
R - Certain Death
- Damage: 150/300/450 >>> 150/250/350
Gragas (Top)
Base Stats
- Base HP: 670 >>> 640
Q - Barrel Roll
- Mana Cost: 80/75/70/65/60 >>> 80 flat
Senna (ADC)

P - Absolution
- Mist Wraith spawn rate from minions killed by Senna reduced: 8.333% >>> 2.8%
While the Riot team doesn't think that there are any inherent issues with Smolder, he is currently too strong, which is why the balance team has decided to hit some of the more frustrating aspects of his kit, like his W with these nerfs.
Q - Super Scorcher Breath
- Target's max HP execute threshold reduced 1.25% (+2.5% per 100 P - Dragon Practice stacks) >>> 6.5% (does not scale) (Execute functionally starts at 7.625% currently)
- Execute now only checks after Smolder deals damage instead of any teammate
W - Achooo!
- Missile width: 125 >>> 115
E - Flap, Flap, Flap
- Bonus movement speed: 100% >>> 75%
Q - Thundering Smash
- Bonus movement speed: 12/17/22/27/32% >>> 12/16/20/24/28%
R - Stormbringer
- Cooldown: 130/115/100 >>> 140/120/100 seconds
Champion Adjustments

Riot is looking to make Galio more fun with the adjustments planned for 14.6. Currently, players are opting for damage heavy, but also very squishy builds, which can be fun but isn't what he is intended to do, so some changes are in order.
P - Colossal Smash
- Cooldown now static (can't be reduced with Ability Haste)
- Coodlwon now reduced by 3 seconds per championa nd EPic Monster hit with an ability
- Attack now gains 40% bonus Attack Speed
- Damage: 15-200 (based on levels 1-18) (+100% AD) (+50% AP) (+60% bonus Magic Resistance) >>> 15-115 (based on levels 1-18) (+100% AD) (+40% AP) (+60% bonus Magic Resistance)
Q - Winds of War
- Initial AP Ratio: 75% >>> 70%
- Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 >>> 12/10.75/9.5/8.25/7 seconds
W - Shield of Durand
- Magic Damage Reduction: 25/30/35/40/45% (+5% per 100 AP) (+12% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance) >>> 20/25/30/35/40% (+4% per 100 AP) (+8% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance) (+1% per 100 HP)
- Min base damage: 20/35/50/65/80 >>> 20/30/40/50/60
E - Justice Punch
- Base Damage: 90/130/170/210/250 >>> 75/115/155/195/235
- Non-champion damage ratio: 50% >>> 80%
Q - Reaping Slash
- Now locks out tiems during animation
- Darkin Form - base target's max HP Ratio: 5% >>> 6%
R - Umbral Trespass
- Base/Shadow Assassin - Bonus AD ratio: 175% >>> 150%
High Noon Event In LoL Patch 14.6

This League of Legends patch is also going to feature another in-client event. The event will be centered around the High Noon skins which are also going to release in this League of Legends patch. There will be a prestige skin to earn, as well as a $200 mythic variant... but let's not talk about that.
High Noon has become one of the most popular skin lines with also a huge cast of champions, so it'll be cool to see how this event differentiates itself from previous High Noon events in League of Legends.
Upcoming Rotating Game Mode For High Noon Event
We are also going to be getting a rotating game mode for the High Noon event. While URF has been fun, it's time we move on and play something a little more serious... like One For All!
Finally, there can be 20 Shaco's on Summoner's Rift at once again.
Upcoming ARAM Changes
Ziggs and Janna are on the nerf list for ARAM in this League of Legends patch. Both are a bit too strong and annoying on the single lane mode, so Riot is scaling back their power a little.
- Janna:
- Q - Howling Gale Cooldown: 14s >>> 18s
- Ziggs:
- P - Short Fuse Turret Damage: 250% >>> 150%
- W - Satchel Charge Turret Execute Threshold: 25-35% >>> 12.5-22.5%
Mythic Shop Rotation in Patch 14.6

This League of Legends patch is also going to have a mythic shop rotation with some new prestige skins getting added, as well as the new mythic skin line – Crystalis Indomitus.
- Prestige PsyOps Ezreal - 150 ME
- Prestige Winterblessed Warwick - 125 ME
- Prestige Dragonmancer Volibear - 150 ME
- Prestige Space Groove Nami - 150 ME
- Dark Star Cho’Gath - 100 ME
- Hextech Renekton - 100 ME
- Crystalis Indomitus Kha’Zix - 100 ME
New Skins In League of Legends Patch 14.6

As already mentioned, High Noon is coming back in LoL Patch 14.6. This time around, four champions are getting skins, with Evelynn also receiving an event prestige while Yone is showing off his popularity once again by receiving his second legendary skin as well as a mythic variant. Yone mains going broke with this patch, eh?
- High Noon Rell
- High Noon Gragas
- High Noon Yone (Legendary)
- High Noon Evelynn
- High Noon Evelynn Prestige Edition (Event Tokens)
The Evelynn prestige is going to be available for 2,000 Tokens in the event shop. The other skins, other than Yone will be 1350 RP for purchase.
The patch is set to release on March 20, 2024. Time just flies, eh? We are already in Patch 14.6, with LoL Patch 14.10 is going to be the kickoff for the second ranked split of the year. We're already over halfway through the first ranked split. Crazy, eh?