Valve Is Working On Project "White Sands" & Fan-Speculations Hint Towards A New Half Life

Valve is currently working on a new project, code-named as "White Sands". While people are speculating about what it might be, hints are pointing towards Half-Life 3...

Half life 3
Is Valve woking on Half-Life 3? | © Valve

Valve is cooking something behind the scenes, and we're not supposed to see it yet. Project "White Sands" is currently in development and fans are speculating about what it could be. Latest leaks that surfaced because of a Valve data miner reveal that Half-Life 3 doesn't seem to be an odd guess.

Valve's Project "White Sands" Data Leaked

Valve white sands
Valve... What is Project White Sands? | © Valve

Valve has always been a master of secrets and their latest project, code-named "Project White Sands" is no exception. Recently, a slip by a voice actress has put the project back in the spotlight, triggering a wave of rumors among fans.

One of the voice actresses, working on "Project White Sands" has added the project into her online resume, unknowingly about the fact that the project hasn't been announced yet. Although the website has been updated ever since, you're still able to find it through the WayBack Machine.

The discovery and analysis of "Project White Sands" come from Tyler McVicker, who is known for his deep dives into Valve's projects.

In one of his recent videos, he explains how he went through Valve's recent updates, and found out that "Project White Sands" is linked to a single-player title developed by the team behind Half-Life: Alyx. This project, internally referred to as "HLX," has been in the works since Alyx's release over four years ago.

Initially, there was doubt about what HLX actually was – some thought it might just be a technical feature or tool for the game engine rather than a complete game. However, with that much data being leaked we are almost certain that HLX is most likely a fully-developed, non-VR Half-Life game... And so is McVicker:

"Do I think this is Half-Life 3? I gotta be very careful in answering that question, but yes." ~ Tyler McVicker

Malena Rose
Malena Rose