The Victory Cash Cups are back in Fortnite for Chapter 5 Season 2. We have the format, schedule, prize pool and points distribution for you and show you how to take part in the Victory Cash Cups.

The Victory Cash Cups continue in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2! They're a great way to earn some cash in Fortnite. But let's take a closer look at the tournament series...
Fortnite Victory Cash Cups Explained
The principle behind the Victory Cash Cups in Fortnite is similar to that of the normal Cash Cups, with just one small change. While the normal Cash Cups are played for points in the 2nd round and the overall result of all 6 rounds counts, the Victory Cash Cup is only about an Victory Royale.
As in the normal Cash Cups, you must first qualify for round 2, but here you can win a cash prize for each Victory Royale.
This season, the Victory Cash Cups are back for Battle Royale in Solo format and Zero Build in Duo format.
Each competitive stage of Round 1 of the corresponding Victory Cash Cup will last approximately two hours. Players may participate in a maximum of seven matches during the Round 1 competition stage.
Each competition stage of Round 2 will then last approximately one hour. There, players can participate in a maximum of three matches.
The following number of players will advance from Round 1 to Round 2 in Battle Royale Solo mode:
- EU: Top 11,500 Advance
- NA: Top 9,000 Advance
- BR, ASIA, ME: Top 1,250 Advance
- OCE: Top 750 Advance
The following number of players advance from round 1 to round 2 in Zero Build Duo mode:
- EU, NA: Top 2,250 Advance
- NA: Top 1,800 Advance
- BR, ASIA, ME: Top 500 Advance
- OCE: Top 350 Advance
Fortnite Victory Cash Cups Schedule
The Fortnite Victory Cash Cups take place every week, with Round 1 and 2 always being held on the same day. This is the exact schedule for the coming weeks:
Solos Battle Royale
- March 17: Solo Victory Cash Cup #1 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 22: Solo Victory Cash Cup #2 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 29: Solo Victory Cash Cup #3 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 31: Solo Victory Cash Cup #4 - Rounds 1 and 2
- April 3: Solo Victory Cash Cup #5 - Rounds 1 and 2
- April 24: Solo Victory Cash Cup #6 - Rounds 1 and 2
- May 10: Solo Victory Cash Cup #7 - Rounds 1 and 2
Zero Build Duos
- March 17: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #1 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 22: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #2 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 29: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #3 - Rounds 1 and 2
- March 31: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #4 - Rounds 1 and 2
- April 3: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #5 - Rounds 1 and 2
- April 24: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #6 - Rounds 1 and 2
- May 10: ZB Duos Victory Cash Cup #7 - Rounds 1 and 2
How To Take Part In Fortnite Victory Cash Cups
To participate in the Victory Cash Cups, you must have reached at least Gold I rank in Ranked Battle Royale or Ranked Zero Build. Once you have achieved this, you must select the Cash Cup in game mode as soon as the tournament starts and join the queue. Also, don't forget to activate two-factor authentication on your Epic account!
Fortnite Victory Cash Cups Prize Pool
The most exciting thing about the Fortnite Cash Cups is of course the prize pool. Because if you get one or more epic victories, you can make some real money!
Prizes in BR Solos
For every epic victory that players achieve in round 2 of the Solo Victory Cash Cup, they receive $100. For example, if a player achieves three Victory Royale, that's a whopping $300.
Prizes in ZB Duos
For every epic win a team achieves in Round 2 of the Non-Build Duo Victory Cash Cup, each player in the team will receive $100. With three wins per player in the team, that would be $300 and a total of $600.
You can find the complete rules and the points distribution for the Victory Cash Cups here. And that's all there is to the Victory Cash Cups. We are excited to see how this format will continue in the next season.