4 Teams Caught Cheating in BGIS 2024 Round 2: Elimination, Points Redistribution & More

Krafton has confirmed during their investigations that 4 teams have violated BGIS competition rules by making unauthorized software modifications and using cheating devices.

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BGIS 2024 Round 2 Elimination | © Krafton

BGIS Round 1 Elimination

In round one, 21 teams that were caught in the same manner were immediately eliminated. Teams like FLY HIGH, CRINGE ESPORTS, TEAM XPERT who put an eye-catching performance in Round 1 were caught using unauthorized devices.

Eight teams including PEAKY BLINDERS, DETONATION GAMING & VALHALLA ESPORTS were disqualified in Round 1 for breaking BGIS competition rules. This included unauthorized software modifications and collusion with other players using cheating devices.

BGIS Round 2 Elimination

After ending Round 2 of BGIS, Krafton has confirmed that U4G ESPORTS, UNIQUE DESTINY ESPORTS, ISO ESPORTS and ALWYZnFOREVER ESPORTS have violated BGIS competition rules by making unauthorized software modifications and colluding with other players using cheating devices. These four teams were eliminated immediately by Krafton.

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BGIS 2024 Round 2 Eliminated Teams | © Krafton

The management also confirmed that their accumulated points will now be redistributed equally among the remaining teams in their respective groups.

BGIS Round 2 Updated Seedings:

Krafton announced on Seeding on their social media saying "The seedings for the upcoming matches will be revised to reflect these new point totals. This re-seeding aims to ensure that all teams have equitable conditions for competition based on the updated standings. We urge all teams to review their new standings and prepare for their matches accordingly. The integrity of the competition is paramount, and we believe these adjustments will help preserve the competitive nature of our tournament. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your commitment to fair play and sportsmanship. Best of luck to all teams as we continue with BGIS 2024."

Biswarup Sharma
Biswarup Sharma