BGIS 2024 Round 1 Day 3: Overall Scoreboard, Match Summary and More

On the third day of BGIS 2024 Round 1, group 5 and 6 took part in three matches each, with the top seven teams from each group advancing to the second round. Teams such as Team X Spark, V4 Esports, TWOB, Oye Papaji, Team Storm99, DSS, and many others displayed high-quality gameplay. Read along to know more.

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BGIS 2024 Round 1 Thumbnail | © Krafton

BGIS 2024 Round 1 Group 5 Teams

  • Team Storm99
  • Ple Esports
  • Team X Spark
  • Raka E-Sports
  • Black Bulls
  • Silly Esports
  • Rich Esports
  • TeamDC
  • HeavenEsports
  • Team Synergy Esports
  • Elite Starr
  • Th Esports
  • Mtgg Esports
  • Villain Boys
  • Popcorn Esports
  • Team Ozone

BGIS 2024 Round 1 Group 5 Match Summary

Match 1 - Erangle

Rich Esports performed exceptionally well and managed to secure a Chicken Dinner, earning 17 points. Silly Esports and HeavenEsports managed to secure 12 and 11 points, respectively, while TeamDC also earned 11 points on Erangle. Unfortunately, Team Villain Boys, Team Ozone, Popcorn Esports, and Synergy Esports were eliminated without scoring any points.

Match 2 - Miramar

Raka E-Sports displayed an exceptional performance in Miramar, securing a 15-point Chicken Dinner. Team Ozone and X Spark also earned 14 points each. Team Storm99 claimed 13 points and secured the fourth spot. However, 5 teams, including Rich Esports, were eliminated without any points.

Match 3 - Sanhok

Team X Spark put on an impressive performance in the third game, securing a 26-point Chicken Dinner, with 16 of those points coming from eliminations. Meanwhile, TeamDC earned 12 points in this match, while Silly Esports gained 11 points. Unfortunately, Elite Starr and Ple Esports were both eliminated without scoring any points.

Grp5 standing
Overall Standings Round 1 Day 3 Group 5 l | © Krafton

BGIS 2024 Round 1 Group 6 Teams

  • WBG
  • Lunar Gaming
  • TWOB
  • Team Empire
  • UDOG India
  • Adyah Esports
  • DMX Esports
  • Last Try
  • 4 Agressive Vikingss
  • DSSHungryRushers FTW
  • V4 Esports
  • Team Ruthless Esports
  • Oye Papaji
  • Delta Demon Esports
  • Flame Esports

BGIS 2024 Round 1 Group 6 Match Summary

Match 1 - Erangle

TWOB performed exceptionally well and was able to secure a Chicken Dinner with 21 points. WBG also demonstrated impressive skills in Erangle and earned 15 points. Meanwhile, Team Empire and Adyah Esports got 13 and 10 points respectively. Ruthless Esports, Delta Demon Esports, and Flame Esports were eliminated early and did not earn any points.

Match 2 - Miramar

TWOB who showed an eye-catching performance in Erangle also earned a huge 25-point Chicken Dinner in Miramar, while Adyah Esports came in second with 12 points. UDOG India claimed the third spot with 10 points, followed by V4 Esports in fourth place with a total of 9 points. Unfortunately, DMX, Last Try, Hungry Rushers, Flame Esports and WBG were eliminated without any points.

Match 3 - Sanhok

V4 Esports won the final map with a 16-point Chicken Dinner. Oye Papaji claimed first place with 18 points, 13 of which were from finishes. WBG battled for the third place with 16 points same points as V4 Esports. DSS claimed fourth with 11 points. Ruthless Esports, Adyah Esports, and Flame Esports were eliminated early with no points.

Grp6 standing
Overall Standings Round 1 Day 3 Group 6 | © Krafton
Biswarup Sharma

Hey Fellas!! I'm Biswarup and I've been in the Esports & Gaming field for 5 years. I have spent 4 years as a Facebook Gaming Partner Streamer.

I love to play Valorant, Assassins Creed, and Call of Duty. I'm very much enthusiastic about Esports, and Football and Travelling are my passion....