Indian rapper Hanumankind has teamed up with Netflix India for an exhilarating anthem, "The Game Don’t Stop," celebrating the highly anticipated second season of Squid Game. Featuring Kalmi and Parimal Shais, the track brings a unique Indian twist to the intense, high-stakes essence of the global phenomenon.
An Indian Take on the Squid Game Universe
The music video reimagines Squid Game through an Indian lens, blending iconic elements from the series—like the red light, green light doll and masked guards—with culturally resonant imagery. This creative fusion connects the show’s universal appeal to Indian audiences, offering a vibrant and relatable spin.
Fan Frenzy and Record-Breaking Views
Since its debut, "The Game Don’t Stop" has garnered over 20 million views in just a week, becoming a cultural sensation. Part of Netflix's promotional campaign for Squid Game Season 2, which premieres globally on December 26, 2024, the anthem has amplified fan excitement for the show's return.
Hanumankind: A Rising Star
With a dynamic style and viral hits like "Big Dawgs," Hanumankind continues to prove his versatility and mass appeal. This collaboration with Netflix not only highlights his talent but also positions him as a key figure in India’s music scene, capable of transcending borders and genres.
Watch the Music Video
Dive into the Squid Game universe like never before with the electrifying anthem, "The Game Don’t Stop", now streaming on YouTube. With gripping beats, stunning visuals, and a localized touch, this is a must-watch for fans of the series and music lovers alike.
Setting the Stage for Season 2
As the world gears up for the next chapter of Squid Game, this anthem perfectly captures the anticipation and excitement. Hanumankind, Kalmi, and Parimal Shais have delivered a masterpiece that bridges global storytelling with local charm—making it an unforgettable collaboration.