Popular YouTuber Snehilop Gaming has accused Team Prime of hacking in BGIS Round 4. The YouTuber's video sharing his opinions went viral in the BGMI community. In the video, Snehilop reviewed Team Prime's gameplay against other teams and confidently stated, "I am 100% sure they will be disqualified."

In the fourth match of Day 1, Prime Shanks finishes RIP Chasér in a suspicious way which makes the allegation more prominent for the YouTuber. On the same map, Shanks made another suspicious pre-fire against GodL Jelly. The match was concluded with Team 8Bit securing an 18-point WWCD, but Team Prime scored 19 points due to their aggressive gameplay.
In the video, Snehil displayed screenshots of two players from Team Prime whose IDs were recently banned. Although the YouTuber couldn't confirm the legitimacy of the screenshots.

Prime Esports scored 73 points in 5 matches but ended the last map with 0 points. Against this, The YouTuber said, the team which had been performing well in the first 5 matches, lost the last one so easily because “they may have turned off their hacks for the last map.”
Other Youtubers who also discussed Team Prime’s legitimacy
iFlicks reacted on Snehilop Gaming’s video and posted Prime Esports TUTU Exposed? | Shanks & Zoro BGIS Round 4
Youtuber Mr. Spike posted a video and said, "My brain is screaming! Something is fishy."
However, there is no confirmation from Team Krafton about these allegations against Team Prime